January 10, 2011

Three Blue Bear Stories

I went home for a quick break.
And there they were... fighting, quarreling over who gets to play with the new soft toys.

Pekpek was jumping, trying to reach Mr Panda in Bori's hand...
"Eeeeek!! Eeeeeeeee~~ I want I want~~~~"
And Bori's just sitting there, staring at Pekpek. Honestly, he could've just given it to his little baby brother? But he wouldn't, he was enjoying it...... And you know how little baby bears are like. When they concentrate, their mouth opens and they start drooling..... onto my carpet. Yikes....

While all that was happening you will never guess what Mini was doing.
He gathered all the rest of the toys, Mrs Sheep, Mr Rabbit and our new family Mr Rat and he was having fun!

Then, while I was watching them, pretending to be folding clothes, Mini stood up, sneaked up behind Bori, and snatched Mr Panda from Bori, making both Pekpek and Bori cry!!!
"Yayyyyy I have everything~~ Now they are all mine... Bori and Pek can play with other things". But what other things?? There is none! Aiyooo Mini. What to do with you!!!

He needs some paternal hardcore lessons I reckon! *wink wink*

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