April 17, 2011

Hello to you Syd,

Yesterday's aftershocks were scary... but thanks(?) for that, my plane was delayed two hours. Yay yay got to spend more time with my loving family - you guys know who you are!

The sky of Tasman ditch was very beautiful.. and I became emotional. I don't usually become so mushy with the beauty of nature but today it got me. I had to reach for my camera and excused myself to this little kid who was reading the book the entire journey. What a contrast from me, an adult who was playing FFIII while watching Glee..... heehee. Hey don't be so harsh on me I had my studious moments too in the past. 

Ok back to the reality now, my life goes on here in Sydney. Off to work again tomorrow. Got to earn some cash for the big day!

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