December 9, 2010

Hello summer ^^/

Da da da dum....!!!

The summer is finally here! Here HERE baby!! yeah! So long my cold flat, I shall be ditching you within a week. Actually... one week from now, I will be settling in more comfortable cozy niche with my darLING. Wahaha. No more cold winter... I've become so lazy this year because it's been too cold. I tried to warm up my living room but it was just impossible... So I've been hiding in my bedroom the whole time. Sad life huh... Well no more of that from now.

But 30deg is a bit too hot isn't it..? Hahaha. But you won't see me complaining..!!

On another note,

I found this picture while I was going through my blog... (09.05.10). How did I miss BBB in this pic?!?!!? Oh baby must be scared to be inside the box for a few days.. But hey dear, you will be reuniting with grandmummy, granddaddy and uncle sang soon!! Then... bubble bath time!!!! LOL Mini will join later okie!!! Kiss Kiss!!

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