January 7, 2011

Comp is here and i'm...

Finally got my hands on the computer!!!
And I'm loving it... :D
I know.. I have learnt my lesson not to overuse it.

Actually, the day the laptop arrived, I was happy.. but at the same time I realised that I have changed to live without the internet  and computer. I miss... Skype-ing, listening to music, plant vs zombing, age of empiring....... watching infinity challenge....  But then, I lived fine without all of them for a couple of weeks now.  Just not being able to see BBB and her daddy's faces made me a bit lonely.... wuuu...

I have found more time to myself and also, most importantly, I have started writing diaries before I go to bed. So far the entries have been very boring. What do you expect, I havn't been doing anything but working.. so it's all about work... what happened at work...how i felt... blah blah blah. I wish I don't bore myself out in 20yrs time. Perhaps by then I will be missing my current life? My dental career would have been long gone by then!!

I'm soooo happy now that I get to see BBB all the time. The funny thing about raising a child is that they can copy you so well, in such a short period of time. It's amazing how fast they can learn too. Now everytime I tell her to study she'd go to sleep.... Oooooo... but it's ok. She's adorable cuz she's blue and cuddly ♥