February 6, 2011

29.01.11 ~ 30.01.11

더니든으로 ㄱㄱㅆ!!

Yay we are off to Dunedin...!! Finally!! Oh how I missed that place!
We woke up super early and started driving around 7am. Oopsie I made a booboo from the beginning, I forgot to bring my handbag with me.. how ladylike am I!! The most embarrassing part was that I didn't even realise it till dad called Q... Uhoh. Luckily Q didn't get annoyed or frustrated with me at all.. he just said, "ok, we will head back. We are not that far anyways"... Awww isn't he the nicest boy friend  fiance! :)

It started as a pleasant and fresh trip but sooner or later I've become "myself" too much and started falling asleep... when Q woke me up we were already in Timaru... time to meet up with Maiko and Yin!

Me, Maiko, Yin three pretty girls! (whistle everyone!)

After the short stop, we continued our journey back to Dunedin... Once again I fell asleep.... I swear I only wanted to close my eyes and stay like that for 10min but when I opened my eyes we were in Palmerston, Oamaru was long gone! OMG I felt sooo horrible that I slept over so many hours... Grrrr. So mad at myself. But my eyelids were the heaviest things on earth on that day. I blame it all on jetlag!

Only when we were heading towards city for lunch I was able to recall the summer of sunny Dunny on my skin. It was colder than Sydney winter.... Brrrrrr *shiver* I've been wanting to just walk around the George St but all was ignored by me due to the weather. I just wanted to eat, go back to the motel and stay warm. Zzzzzzzz.....

In the evening we went to St Mags centenary celebration dinner. It was nice...! So good to be back to my second home. Now that I look back I have learnt so much during the years that I stayed at the college.. music, friendships, studies, growing up to be an independent adult, abd knowledges on various topics that shall not be listed on this blog... haha. In the middle of dinner Dr Norris have awarded me with as a member of College Fellow! When he was going on about this girl who graduated from BDS and was working at CDHB and now working in Sydney, I thought... It can't be me...............  but then he looked at me and called my name. OOOOOOooooo I was so embarrassed...! But it felt good. I think I looked very pretty on that day with my bling bling... ♥♥ and this is the proof.

 With pressies and an award :) yay pressies....!!!!!

That's how we spent the rest of the evening. Eating, drinking, chatting, smiling and wowing at the crystal wine glasses that I've got...

The next day, on the way home, we had a great lunch at the Moeraki Boulders. It seems like Q and I try a lot of seafood platter in various locations.. I must say, their one was one of the bestests...!! I got my pants wet later when we walked down to the beach... the water was very cold!!! Too bad it was high tide.. or else there would've been more photos!! I was the only one who went into the water despite the weather... aiyo. Like a kid. JH when will you grow up! *shake head*

it was... COLD!!!!! 

I think I've also slept through the road trip back to Christchurch... Q must've been bored to death but all he said was that he was happy that his D (shorten form of "Dear" just in case you didn't realise :p ) had a good rest. Shy............... I have the nicest man in the world with me!!! Awww I need to be nicer girl though, it is very difficult to do so, cuz he's always nicer!!!

This was our short but memorable trip to Dunedin. Now that I've become a fellow of the St mags, I foresee a numurous trips to Dunedin in the future! Woot woot! As long as the weather stays nice I won't be complaining!!

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