February 5, 2011


Happy birthday to mum~ ♬

1st day in Chch

The highlight of the day was the beautiful Summer Glow Spa Retreat at Champs-Elysees, a luxurious gift from Q to mum (and me!!).  Yayyy~~~ I've been waiting for too long. Swimming togs were the first things that I put into my lugguage when I was packing for this trip.

Sang chauffeured us to the city on his BMer. Woot woot. And there it began the heavenly relaxing time.. which went on for about 3 hours.

Spa was fantastic.. there was no one else around so I got to have a good chat with mum, till my fingertips became wrinkly. Then the beauticians led us into a room where I was able to relax completely..... Seriously, I thought I'd never be able to fall asleep when somebody is putting creams and massaging my body but gosh I was wrong....!!

They used exfoliating coconut cream body polish, hydrating frangipani body mask and luxurious organic bliss facial, which were followed by the full body massage........ I fell asleep all wrapped up by body mask when the beautician was putting eye cream around my eyes... Mmmm... I slept so well I ended up having a towel mark in the middle of forehead.... they must've thought I was ridiculous. BTW I've made the mental note to myself about the products that they have used on me... This info will come in handy in the future ;)

Thanks to Q, mum was very satisfied hence the dinner was extra delicious! and I just realised that fattening time has began....da da da dum!

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