February 3, 2011


Finally the day has come, I'm off to the heart of the earthquakes!
I can't lie and say the aftershocks weren't bothering me at all... perhaps 1% of the trip I was reluctant... ahhh but who cares it's not like I will be alone if aftershocks come again!

After the loooooong wait and flight I landed in Christchurch.. I rush-rushed to get out of the airport and tada~ there was my baby!! Woot woot woooooot!!

Everyone was waiting for me at home. My bro was so happy to see me after almost half a yr of "separation". Thought he has grown up a bit more, but he was still my baby brother.. I can still hear his laugh when I said "Santa is here"... lol

It looked and felt as if Q was part of the family already.. *like*
Sigh this holiday is gonna pass with a blink of an eye.

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