January 26, 2011


Faith is just believing in something beyond yourself, like hope or love.

It's never too late to realise what's important in your life, to fight for it
[ From Premonition]

And here I was, thinking faith is a noun that's strictly related to a religion. Well, it's true, but what I realised was that if there's no faith in my life, I'd be like a robot. I have six senses. My eyes can see, my nose can smell, mouth can taste, ears can hear, hands can touch. I also have my feeling, which gets me going (fyi female instincts can be extremely accurate and scary lol). And it is this sixth sense of mine, that really, makes me, ME. I have hope and love. A big drive to my life.

So I have faith... in me, in this whole universe. It will go on. Like everyday we're alive can be a miracle. 

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