March 8, 2011

One year two months one week and five days

Daisy Path is telling me I have been with Q for one year two months one week and five days. Long....time I guess. One year was enough for me to move and adapt to be a new resident in a new country, find a job and get on with my life, make enough friends to enjoy days off, fine a comfortable niche and earn enough to have the life that I want. But regardless these, I feel that it is extremely short period of time to get to know somebody fully inside out. Your past is what makes you you. I cannot possibly tell all the dramas that I have gone though within this time period of one year two months one week and five days. 

... that's what I thought before.

But now, I know that one year two months one week and five days are more than enough to get to know somebody. You don't have to know everything that happened in the past to get to know your partner. All you need is.. the open mind and caring heart towards him, then things will just fit into where it's supposed to be. 

Just like the water flows from the stream to the ocean.

We are living in a world full of strangers. If they are not your "friends" I have learnt never to trust them. In this world, in this lifetime, I am blessed to find somebody who loves me with all his heart. He doesn't need to speak of love to tell me that he loves me. I just know. I've found him and we are still going so strong, on our one year two months one week and the fifth day.

I am so lucky to be living in the same timeframe as him. Happy me.

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