March 17, 2011


29yo male
Demanded that he wanted both the lower wisdoms out today as he cannot take too much time off at work.
I strongly recommended oral sedation for his own comfort but he said he should be ok.

Alright fine with me...

 I started surgical exos of the 38 & 48. One of my colleagues wanted to see how I do it so he tagged along as well, which was quite enjoyable.

I don't like sectioning the roots.. I get scared of lingual nerve damage. But this one I kinda had to or else it would've taken ages for them to come out. I sectioned in the teeth, then lifted up the distal roots then the mesial portion followed. Poor patient he must've been traumatised with all that noise, water sprays and the suction.. did I mention the cranky sounds from the metal instruments against the teeth and bone??? >0<;; But amazingly, he didn't even flinch. He was fine all the way through. He kept on saying he has to get them all out so he can go back to work asap.  If it was me.. I would've passed out within a few minutes.... .. really... I'm being serious.

And you'd be wondering how I do all those surgicals??

At times, I wonder too....

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