March 21, 2011

Yay pressies!!

Small pressies like this make my day :)
Awww he was such a nice patient... though I feel pretty bad because at the end we had to extract the tooth.. :( But oh well. That solved the problem instantly so I think he's very grateful about it! I'm happy as long as they are not in pain... Sometimes when I'm under extreme stress I dream about having a toothache and it's horrible. It's the worst nightmare you can have. Would people laugh at me if I say that's how I know what a toothache feels like? It's like... a tooth is having it's own migraine kinda feeling.. but when I say that to patients, they tend to agree......

Mmmm now, I'm in trouble.  Gonna have difficulty resisting those chocolates. Only a few dairy milk chocolates in the box though. I think there are only two. TWO!! Only two I'm addicted to..... :( :(

Arghhh so tempted.....

Ok. No diet for the day. There you go. I've eaten two within a blink of an eye.  OOOO so yummy! But must tell Mini that carrot sticks do not taste so nice so he can stay away from it...

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