March 20, 2011

fun day out

When was the last time I was playing poky machine?
Mmmm I think it was at Gold Coast Casino.
When was that?
Mmmm I think it was back in 2005.

So it's been 6 years.
And I'm back!!!! woot woot

The moral of today is... know your limit!
You can question this statement... in many various ways. 
Yes I know.

Well if you've taken it the wrong way,
then there's gambling addiction for you. 
It was so fun though,
I can hear the monotone sounds from the machine in my head right now
ding dong.. didididong!...!! 
*kaboom* - when you've won some free games
dididididididididid..... - money rolling

Beginner's luck, I put $10 and won $20.
Should've stopped

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