February 24, 2011

Make Up - part i

My step by step make up "study session" has began. How often do you see a 25+yo female (just realised "25+yo" and "girl" do not go well together) who doesn't know how to put on a beautiful make up? Did I mention that she's a Korean??!?!!? Pretty useless...

Due to the urgent need for the proper make up, I've been investigating the ways of putting make up on. So far I've only tried and learnt the basics; foundation, concealer, cheek blushers, eyeliners and mascara. Does this look good enough? Well obviously not! Further study is needed.....


On the other note, time to say byebye to Millenium...! I was quite looking forward to that place but guess things have to be changed. I am quite sad that the beautiful garden city will never look exactly the way it used to be. Hmmm. Q will be hunting for the lovely venue again this weekend so it's something to look forward to!

Hmmm. There is a display of LV bags on the reception of Millenium. I wonder if it can be looted............. hmmmmmmmmm

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