April 22, 2011


I found something very adorable......!! 
Can you guess what it could be?
Here I will give you a hint.

Could you tell what it is??

Yes??? No???

Ok I will give you another small but obvious hint.

Doink doink!!!!!! (LOL) 

Ya.... it is a............... pig! Shall I call it an iPig? It is a mini speaker with the docking station for iPod.

It was so cute...!! 

And I found out that there are other colours available...

Don't you think the pig looks like he's singing? Hehehe... so adorable. If I had an iPhone then perhaps I would've consider it. It made me laugh quite a bit. But then... I have a great pair of speakers now so..... 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh...i just realised that the mouth glows when she sings. Too bad that the white one refused to perform when we were there!