April 14, 2011

Breakfast under cracks

My smartie pants brother is on night shift this week. Yes. It's very unfortunate because I'm on my holiday. I can't see him much. Though he's home between 9am - 10pm, I have to be very quiet as he sleeps most of the time. I have to walk around the house like a cat in silence. Today I was looking for my Nintendo for a long time... (Got hooked into Final Fantasy III!!!) and when I figured that he has taken it into his room, I had such a difficulty sneaking into his room for it.... lucky I was safe. Then a few hours later I realised that he has also taken the charger into his room too..!! Arghhhhhh that was nervous breaking moments. Phew. But yesssss thankfully he sleeps like a log so two attemps of me sneaking into his room were both successful.

This is the photos that I have captured in the morning. Breakfast with Sang and Dad - it was great till I spotted a few lots of cracks on the wall and ceiling!

Unfortunately I cannot upload any more photos because I have reached my limit of 1GB of space for it. Apparently I have to pay to be able to put more photos up......... :( How annoying. I have to go back and see if I can delete some more photos to make more room for it..!! Arghhhh.. didn't know Blogspot had this limit... if I knew I probably would've went for another blog site!!! Grrrrrr  I was happy when I started writing today's entry but now am super annoyed. Grrr GRRRRRR ~~~~~~ Can you feel the heat from my head??

1 comment:

Suyoung said...

Hahahaha,, Yeah, how annoying. Blogspot has cheap 1GB, that is one of the reasons why I chose WP over BS. But even with 3GB on WP, I still manually resize each picture I upload. Because nobody reviews a picture at full crop online, unless wanting to test/review the quality of a lens/camera. I just crop to 600x400 pix, or 900x600 pix at the most, which keeps the file size at a nice 300~500kB, giving me upto 10000 picture space. I suggest you open a new blog, and use it as a picture upload space, and use html link on your post to show your pictures. It's either that or deleting your old pictures as you go.