March 25, 2010

Blue sky


pretty clouds!
i remember looking up at the sky when i was little...
walking to school with a big bag on my back, a lunch bag and a pair of inside shoes bag on each hand... 
playing up on the jungle gym and i remember seeing the blue sky...
mum used to say the sky even gets higher in autumn, i still never understood why, but i remember seeing the autumn sky and thinking, wow.. it IS higher in autumn..

then i moved to new zealand,
i kept on looking up and wowing at how "blue" the sky is. it was only then i learnt the true colour of "sky blue". it was so pretty (it still is)

making funny animal shapes with clouds.. a whale with a rabbit tail, a duck with a huge poop dangling on its @ss...
seeing airplanes and helicopters...

but suddenly there is a huge gap in my life where i have no memory of seeing the sky anymore :'(
perhaps i have grown out of the dreamy side of me?
perhaps i have no time to stop, breathe and look up?
perhaps i have been pushing too far without giving myself a rest?

after moving to aussieland 
i look at the sky... all the time! but i have not had any chance to admire its beauty of it
i just look.. and think 

"should i carry the umbrella to work...? gosh it's so heavy!" 
"oh man another day of clouds... when am i going to be able to do laundry..."
"looks too clear. i need extra layer of sunscreens"

geez.. what a critical feed forward mechanism i have developed!
i must be heading towards the big wild adulthood now..
but doesn't mean i have to lose my inner child-side of me...

there you go. you are doing well. pat pat on your shoulder.
just give yourself a break time to time. have a breathe and look up at the blue sky. 
just like it can absorb everything that's happening underneath it..
grow a big heart and see a bigger picture

so today,
a nice thursday afternoon
i took a picture of the beautiful blue sky

dream on!

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