March 6, 2010

A colourful intruder


Came back from work and headed straight into the kitchen - so hungry >u< and there it was peaking on my kitchen!! Sorry little birdie I don't have any worms for you to dig up... I don't think it knew that there was a flynet screens (yes I do have them!) cuz it kept on poking through the screen. For a sec I got scared that the sharp pointy nasty beaks will make a wee hole through my screen.. then my senses came back to me and realised that beak vs metal will have its definite winner and will have no surprising result........ phew.

I quickly went to grab my Q's camera - luckily it was in the living room after playing with DPP the other day. I felt so rushed and didn't even have enough time to check on the photos... I just kept on pressing on the shutter, hoping that they will turn up visible.... Perhaps the bird was peeking for half a min?? That was it! Though I'm pretty scared of flying species I must admit it was very pretty one.. they call it Lorikeet, Australian native parrot. FYI its scientific name is Trichoglossus haematodus... glossus?? haematodus?? sounds anatomical doesn't it. Anyways it is found in coastal regions of northern and eastern Australia .  

Lorikeet through the flynet screen

Lorikeet poking through my screen... naughty!

Lorikeet poking on the corner 

Lorikeet looking into my  CLEAN kitchen

Seems like it finally has realised that there is a barrier - the last shot before it flew off to the tree at the back

While googling about lorikeets I found a very "valuable" fact.. if you want to buy this bird it can coast up to $6500! Waa!! I can just catch those who have nests on the trees right in front of my house! Then I don't need to go into clinic anymore perhaps. They are intelligent and can be trained to talk. See the difference? Australian native birds are smart and can talk human languages. In NZ, native birds either cannot fly or demolishes cars.. tsktsk. SIGH

Just before it flew off from my kitchen window it left quite a big impact on me with its noisy sharp shrieks. Now I know which ones have been making that noise!  Because the apartment that I live in is within well-treed areas - hence I hear birds all the time. Sometimes it's beyond the description of chattering.. they shriek and shriek and SHRIEK like... kkeeeeeehhhoooooooaaaaawwwwww!! times hundred!  Gosh those birds can be so noisy but I don't mind that as long as they eat all the bugs on my balcony... just don't die and be seen in front of my eyes! or else I might start going after them and start making big bucks and be a rich dentist...


Unknown said...

This is so funny JH :-) I love this cute story of yours. Perhaps by the time i come for a visit again you will have the Lorikeet family singing for us? :-P

sc said...

Hey, I like the colours on the parrot. Pretty pretty (:

JungHee said...

hehehe. pretty aye..! but they are so noisy...!!! when the whole lorikeet family sings we'll all go deaf! sc~~ u want me to catch one for u? :p

Unknown said...

haha.... no no... let them roam free... you can start naming the noisy one :-)