April 19, 2010

♥♥♥♥♥ you ♥♥♥♥♥

Booboo head.
According to the Urban Dictionary, boo boo / boo boo head means:
1. The name of someone you care about, like a child or your man (really?)
2. A name a girl will call you if you say something she thinks wrong (Oooo i like this definition!)
3. An injury - like.. mummy i have a booboo! *cry*
4. A mistake, usually a small one, but humourously a large mistake (yes yes YES!)
5. The act of defecation, or the poo itself (oh?)
6. General unattractiveness, lack of quality or badness
So adding all these I wrote a small story
....Then it all came to him. Q realised that he has made a big boo boo (definition 2). What a boo boo head am I (definition 4)! He thought to himself. As he kept on thinking and thinking about his mistake he started stressing out.. which led to dehydration. So he decided to go downstairs and get some Schweppes lemonade... 
The chilled bottle of lemonade made his hand slippery and before he tightened his grasp...... !!!!! He dropped his glass and gave him a boo boo (definition 3). Ouch he thought. Now I'm a real boo boo head (definition 4). He ran upstairs at the instant and turned on the Skype so he could see his baobao and make it all better.
On Skype, he said; "Dear... I've made a stinky boo boo... (definition 4)"
After hearing the story.. she said "That's ok, I still love you... i missed you... awww look at you lil boo boo (definition 1). Come here let me give you a wet kiss!"

*The end*

Ahh. So lame. But hey, I cannot believe what actually happened today...!!!!! 
You'd better come quick if you want the real version of my wet kiss! Muwah! haha



Unknown said...

hahahahaha...... your big boo boo head is laughing out loud at this boo boo story! That did sum it up ! Funny index as narrated by JH = X 300% :-P

JungHee said...

yes yes boo boo (definition 1) :p
booboo does sound cute lah... lol