May 10, 2010

hydroxyl talk

Mmmmmmm Cocktail.... Mmmmmmmm

What the! my patient did not turn up... been waiting for 20min this is clearly FTA!

So here I am... being the very immature non-prof journalist in my world of blogging... Suddenly I feel like reminiscing my Dunedin life... Ahhh good ol' Dunedin. Great friends, great memories, "great" lectures and clinics... *clearing throat*... great food (believe it or not I miss Dunedin food so much!)

The typical lifestyle of poor students (yet enough money to get boozed up) in Dunedin is something that you probably won't see in anywhere in Kiwiland. Perhaps you might be able to have a peek of it here and there depending on where or when (O'week? after Exams?). But not throughout the entire year man... I remember seeing smokes from my balcony on Ethel-Benjamin Place one Friday night, which turned out to be the smokes from burning couch on the next street. Also I remember seeing a rubbish bin (you know those big black plastic bin with yellow lid on the top) full of beer bottles after the weekends... - yes I was being a good girl and was on my way to the library early on Sunday morning to nuture my brain cells with odontogenesis!!

Remains of burnt couch... (ref Wikipedia)

Here is a list of few things that you may / may not agree - depends on the exposure I guess?

*Things that are hard to say when drunk:

*If you found the above hard, try the next lot.... You probably won't have any -OH running in your blood system at the moment but try anyway:

*And the following are the downright impossible things to say, or hear from those drunkards
-No thanks, I have a gf
-Nope, no more alcohol for me, I've had enough for the night
-Sorry but you are not really my type aye
-Mac D? BK?? no thanks, I'm not hungry
-Oh no I won't sing.. nobody wants to hear me singing karaoke - perhaps I should try this method on my baby Q
-I'm not interested in fighting you
-I won't be clubbing tonight, I'm a no dancer
-Excuse me I'm looking for the toilet, I don't want to pee on the side of the road

-I need to go home now... I have to go for the group meeting tomorrow morning............


sc said...

Shld I even comment? Hahaha.

JungHee said...

lol i noe what u were up to....with me! hahaha