October 11, 2010

Free sunday

I had such a free sunday yesterday. Had almost no patients... just ended up waiting and mucking around in clinic. Sighhh... I can never be happy can I... when it's too quiet, I wish I get packed with patients. And when I'm too busy... well.. I wish they never turn up. Oh well. If I can be fully satisfied with my life then why would I be on this planet? I would come out of the horrible cycle of reincarnation and be another Buddha.

Had a long lunch break and I was able to go to the grand opening day for Chatswood Mamak...

 Nasi goreng, Kari ayam

Nasi lemak - it had a TINY piece of banana leaf underneath the rice

The food was very nice! I've never tried M'sian food outside M'sia... but the taste of nasi lemak... aww.. it reminded me sooo much of the street nasi lema that we had in KL!! It was a bit ridiculous to pay $7.5 for that though...... and the sambal sauce wasn't that spicy and the banana leaf was puny...

I had relatively a productive day, at least I have couches at home now. The great amazing weekend friends helped me to shift them. Yippee. Finally mum has a spot to sit other than the floor and Q has a spot to mingle! :p

Rizwan, Tej and Jyoti with my couches

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