March 26, 2011

Smells good

Another meal that I prepared for dinner.. I had salad too but I kinda forgot to capture it so silly!
Kimchi dumpling stew and sweet potatoes with BROWN rice.. 
Ya I know. I should watch what I eat... hey at least the rice is BROWN! I'm such a hopeless foodholic. I can't stay away from yummy food for too long!!!! Just filling up my stomach isn't everything.. my taste buds are highly evolved...  

I don't think I'm a good cook. I enjoy cooking but I don't think my dishes taste as nice as others'. *sigh* Feel sorry for somebody!! Hence I'm working on it... a step by step.. too bad it's only a step of a toddler. 

What's for dessert??
Rainbow Mentos!! I'm addicted to it since the pokie day. Heeheehee. Gonna get so much occlusal caries they are so sticky.

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