April 24, 2011

Floss floss!

Today at work, one of my patients made an interesting comment. When asked her about how often she flosses, she answered me back saying oh I have to do it every night. It's funny 'cuz now that I'm flossing everyday I feel dirty when I don't floss. And also I can see things getting stuck more if I skip a day.

...I totally agreed with her. I feel the same now but it never came to me like how she stated it. I used to be so horrible with flossing..especially with my lower retainers.. but now I'm getting better. My teeth feel different if I haven't flossed. Also I feel stinky. Probably it's me being a bit too self conscientious but hey, the result isn't so bad. It makes me floss regularly. I'd better not end up with periodontitis when I'm in fifties nagging my patients to floss. Self note, I will be more diligent! I recently bought a pressie for myself, Waterpik. But I haven't even opened it yet and used it... Hmmm better do it soon.

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