I'm on my holiday... from............ NOW!
8am GP vaccination >0<;; ouch ouch. The doc was trying to have a friendly conversation with me.. left arm yes... she wiped it with some alcohol swap.... feeling very cold and instantly I start getting tingly... then she was asking me what I do for living. I said I work at a dental clinic.... then as she's injecting into my arm she's asking me, "Oh, are u a nurse?" and I said.. "........... yeah... something like that...". One I couldn't have a decent conversation while a needle is jabbing into my arm, and two, I didn't wanna tell her the truth because then she'll laugh at me for being a wuss. I whine a lot too. Just like my dad, when I told him about it he said "you should love your needle"............ people think we love needles!! Hell no.................
9am I started my
11:40am at work. I was only supposed to see one patient but ended up squeezing three patients. I couldn't believe that I had to do wisdom extractions on the day I was leaving...! with my sore arm from the vaccination :( They told the patient that if he makes it within 10min then I will be able to do it for him...!! sigh.... I got cranky at it but once again I get hyper when the teeth popped out...
1:20pm rush to the bank to withdraw some money for my parents... Geez what's wrong with banks! They say they do not have Kiwi dollars OR enough Aussie cash.. so only had to get smaller than what I wanted to get.. Oh well. I'll give them less money then. Yeahhhh more for me... lol
2:00pm at home again. Final laundry to do and last minute packing... Horrible arn't I!! I'm the queen of procrastination in everything.. packing... cleaning..... studying.... except blogging! At the moment I havn't procrastinated yet.... :)
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