April 10, 2011

Roses and cakes and icings!!!!


This weekend has been very productive. We were running on very tight schedule yet we managed to have fun with social events with friends. Here goes one of the fun trip to one of Christchurch's finest bakeries in hunt for our Wedding cake. 

Flowers and bows

Heart Delight

Pillars and Drapes

Swags and Roses

Loops and Roses

We decided on one out of these five finalists! They all look amazing so we had great difficulty choosing only one... but I think are getting there.... kinda!! Ahhh recently I've been so good at changing my mind every second.... *drool drool* But inside will be all chocolate mud cake. So those of you who are invited to the grand day... can look forward to this! :) We will make sure it's big enough to feed everyone. Heeeee

1 comment:

sc said...

oh my darling. it looks so awesome. pretty!!!