March 17, 2010

My stupid chair


My chair at work broke down today :(
It started playing up yesterday with my last patient. While I was attempting to trim the PFM crown, the high speed bur stopped working. We quickly moved to my boss's room and got to finish the whole treatment...and left the note for weekdays staff to fix the problem. But to my horror, nobody seemed to be able to fix the chair this morning! Who has the magic wand?? This guy call Ian. When can he come and perform the magic? Only on Thursday. OMG...................................

My 8am patient came. For once I hoped that he'd be late / fail to turn up... but as usual my best friend Murphy was with me. Somehow Jenny made the drill to work a little bit, but as soon as I put the bur onto the tooth surface it'd stop rotating..! GrrrRrrrrRRRRR!

Thankfully my patient was a very understanding man who owns his own business. Phew. It's great to have the business men as patients as they don't really have much restrictions when it comes to the appt time. I end up apologising over and over... I felt so embarrassed! A few weeks ago this stupid chair almost electrocuted us while the patient thought she has put 20cent coin and enjoying the chair ride going up-down-up-down and this time the bur stops... not to mention that the water supply is so pitiful that my assistant has to use her triplex syringe to give me extra water.... tsk tsk... Actually, I tsk tsk myself. [orz x million!].

When's my new chair arriving?? When when when?? My eyes are going to pop out of my sockets from all this waiting.......................... and waiting.............and waiting................. are they carrying the chair from Melbourne on feet?? then would you puh-leeeeesse run with it????? Ugh. Even a pig would run faster than you.

My stupid chair. If you weren't made out of metal I would've kicked you non-stop till you break down into pieces. Totally useless metal rubbish! And we will probably have to PAY to get rid of you later. Gosh!!!!!

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