March 30, 2010

take care darling

It's something that its importance is being ignored until you really are lacking it.
And this is the case even for health professionals. We see sick people everyday, we treat them everyday, that's all we do at work. However I have to admit, when it comes to my own health, I tend to think of it very lightly.

I have bad posture when I see patients... I get sore shoulders and back at the end of the busy day. At times my tail bone gets so sore I can hardly sit properly. How bad is this! And I'm only in my mid-twenties! Oh snap out of it. Enough about  my whinging. I have sicker "patient" today.

Headache.. tummyache... feeling bloated.. bodyache... all those are the typical symptoms that patients use to complain about their problems.. but I always think yeah yeah... typical... you wont' die from it chillax... but it really hits you when it happens to you. In fact, when it happens to someone who's so precious to you, it hits you even harder.... well that's how I feel at least. Oh my god... the shock you get when you find out that someone who's always been so strong has fallen weak.. Suddenly your heart starts racing and then it gets sore.

Wish there is something that I can do to make you feel better, but really, there isn't. Just being so far away annoys me so much. Wish I can just run over and take care of you. Let you be spoiled in my embrace, let you be the big baby/patient... cooking you congee and getting you meds and soothing your sore muscles while you rest in bed. Wish I could take your pain away only if I could be sick for you...

ps: no work for u tmr!

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