April 23, 2010

Baby denture in making

Don't feel like doing anything

so i didn't do anything. easy and simple life. 
i need to grasp myself up. just to change my mood... need to cheer myself up.

so here goes................ entry dedicated to my silly silly booboo (for this time i will define as definition 1)

1/12/09 Tuesday

Started making baby denture set. Been wanting to do it since uni life but never got to start.. till today. This afternoon when I had free time, I went to the lab and started my own set of baby dentures, all by myself. *Pat pat* on my head, well done, you are doing well, it'll look great.. yeah I had to put spells on myself to believe that I will be fine managing it alone. Hope it turns out great... if not I wish it'd look at least like a denture?

Base of Baby Maxilla

2/12/09 Wednesday

I started collecting teeth. I chose the whitest teeth for the denture - very idealistic isn't it. Oh well. It looks the best anyway so who's there to complain!

In total I need...
4 centrals
4 laterals
4 canines
8 premolars
8 molars
that's 28 teeth in total... and I had to shape them all.

I spent every single minute available in lab... sharpening teeth are actually very tricky, especially when I have to make them so small to an extent where it gets so hard to hold them between my fingers while I attemp in shaping..... just within a day my left thumb and index finger have become so sore. The pinky part of my fingernails have become slightly shorter at the edge because I had to grip the teeth hard while grinding. A few have been swallowed by the powerful "sucker", and a few managed to escape my fingergrip and hit me on the forehead. To make the situation even worse, the sucker had to break down... and I was covered in white dust everywhere. My face, hands, forearms, and my black pants... :( But I was so excited the whole time I was working on the dentures.. it made me happy internally. I wasn't aware of time, it just passed so quickly. The joy of achieving something like that by myself.. if you know how much effort I have put into making them.. will be "wow-ed". 

After the 4-hour long massacre, small teeth have been created...Photo only shows 6 out of 28 teeth

3/12/09 Thursday

Just look...

First denture is getting teeth set up...


 And now completed.

 Both done!

To me they don't look so nicely aligned... :(

I polished the teeth, used articulating paper to check the occlusal heights... The photos aren't so clear but I'm done with my teeth setting. Tomorrow, I will be working on waxing up, making the gums look more realistic. AND, hopefully I can process them!

Oh I just can't wait to have the finished products in my hand...! I will be a very happy girl :)..... hopefully.................... TOMORROW!

7/12/09 Monday

Due to my busy schedule I didn't get to spend much time in the lab last Friday.. Why do people get more toothaches in December??  Why do so many of them decide to come and see us on Friday...!?!? What's wrong with other days? If you thought that you wouldn't be able to survive weekend with a toothache then what made you think that you can go through any other weekdays?  Anyhoooo, I managed to spend some time on my baby dentures... and that's all it matters. Hooray.

More & endless modification with waxed up teeth. See how much mess I've made in the background...

Plaster is used to cover the teeth & wax base to hold them in place

Cover them fully

And the lid on the top

This takes a while.. so I had a quick lunch break. Grabbed a banana and yoghurt...! (I remember it ever so clearly) then rushed back to the lab... I was dying to finish them so no one can steal my baby dentures away... lol. More like trying to stay out of trouble....

Wax melted, leaving teeth in place

Once wax has all been melted away, I placed the acrylic mix over the teeth. I made sure to add some fine coloured threads to make it more real - for the look of fine capillaries. Then closed the lid and used the compressor to compress the metal case hard.. then let time does the job... Once the acrylic hardens and completes setting, I carefully opened the metal case and... this is what I got!!

Ta da da da da....!! ♪~♬~~

Almost there but it's not done yet. When the dentures come out it's very very rough. I had no idea of how rough it'd be.. and I was shocked... When I get dentures back from the lab to deliver to the patient the surface is very smooth! I bet no fly can actually land on it and remain still rather than sliding away... which meant.. it wasn't the end of it and I had to spend quite a bit of time to make it smooth..... sigh. I had to go and see patients so I decided to stay back after work.

Me polishing the denture

Sun from west is very bright... I had difficulty taking photo with my cellphone camera. Note: my hands were covered in dust I really had no choice but just click click~~ apologies for the lousy pixelated not focused poor quality photos.

Here goes the finshed products...! 

Aren't they just sexy!!!

So this is how I fabricated a set of baby dentures. Hmmm. At that time I had no idea what I was going to do with the other half.. who would have known that the owner of the other half would come into my world so soon... someone who's perfect in every way except that he is lacking appendix. Oh and also he comes with two extra titanium screws.. not intra oral screws thank god! but having them inside the ankle bone doesn't make the situation any better. Sigh... that's two scars in 3 weeks. Ugly ugly ugly. -_-;; At least I got to kiss the tummy before the proud scar has been made... I didn't even get to kiss byebye to the "virgin" ankle this time! Ugh!!!!

There you go, Q, this is how your baby denture was born. I am feeling better now that I managed to take my mind off from the reality... living in the past can be good at times aye. Feel like I'm back in CHCH at OHC. Ok.. now back to reality and it's time to sleep... oh man... hope I can get some rest tonight. Miss you and love you ♥


Unknown said...

oh oh oh.... now i understand how you made them. Can i have a pair when i get old ? :-P Blue bear mini wouldn't mind having a BB denture too !

JungHee said...

u are not gonna lose any teeth!!!!!!!!wat are u on about...