June 1, 2010

Mission, find a diamond from ur POOP

... to persue happiness, you need to play a little trick to yourself.
It's nothing sneaky.
You just need a little tint of magic portion, which i call "finding a diamond from the poop".

For example...
Your gold crown has come off and you accidently swallowed it. The next day, you go through your poop and you have found the gold crown. Then you bring it back to the dentist, and after sterilisation, it can be recemented back onto your tooth. (a true story) 

You are about to have a photoshoot for the high school graduation... it's a nice sunny day. While you are waiting enjoying a good chitchat with your friends, suddenly you hear "piapppp" noise... and suddenly your head feels disgustingly warm... Uh-oh. A stupid bird has pooped on your head before it flew away. Dammit. But rather than crying and cursing the bird for the rest of your life, after a min of recuperation, you face the camera on the unaffected side and smile away... as if nothing has happened. And it won't show a thing. After that? You have the best excuse in the world to bunk the rest of the day and go home...... (also a true story)

You have broken an ankle..... as a result, ACC is paying you, mortgage insurance is paying the mortgage for you... free accomodation with free food and warm bed is provided... gets overloaded with bluebears... and most importantly, the healing bear is on her way across the Tasman. (another true story)

Your ankle does not heal so well.. a big booboo (definition 3, refer to previous entry 19/04/10)... what can you do? You get to have a longer holiday in SYDNEY!!! (*gasp* did I say... Sydney??)

I mean, obviously, the best scenario would be... the cases where those things do not happen. Of course. But if it already has happened, then what can you do? You are not God. Even God Himself could not have the things the way He planned it. Firstly, Adam touched the apple.. then people started becoming selfish and greedy. I'm sure the way we are isn't the way He wants us to be... 

We have  infinite numbers of thoughts each day. It perfectly makes sense to state that, happy people think more happy thoughts than unhappy thoughts. Happy thoughts have close relationship with confidence and optimism. It's not that you are optimistic hence think happily. It's actually the other way around. You think of happy thoughts which makes your views optimistic. Vice versa, unhappy thoughts such as jealousy and anger will create the fearful vibe. In this you cannot come out ever so bubbly. You will be afraid, worried and depressed constantly and this will drive away all those opportunities where you can make things better.  Buddha said, everything starts from your thoughts. Start off by thinking happy thoughts and this will in turn, create happy perceptions, which will lead us to happy events, which will create the happy atmosphere all around us. Of course it's easier to be said than done. But there will be a definite difference between not trying and trying.. right? 

Everyone goes through ups and downs.. there is a saying, "even a piece of paper gets lighter if you support it with others". Family, friends, partners.. share your joy and sorrow with them. Share the problem and it will become lighter. We have lots of different roles in our lives, I'm a daughter, I'm a good friend, I'm a sister, I'm a girlfriend, I'm a..... err..... dentist. I cannot be there for my loved ones all the time, and this guilt comes to me quite heavily, especially when I cannot be much of a help when they are going through tough times. Engagements, life crisis... though I cannot say I know exactly what they are going through, I can certainly say that I feel for them. I worry for them and I wish there was something that I could do to make them feel better. 

So, what can I do? Well I try to infect them with my happy/love virus... :) while it lasts I'm going to share it with everybody. I'm working on sending my happy/love virus to my precious jewels... Helping them to see the diamond from the poopy situation. At least then they can work towards looking for the diamond. And this is helping me to become a happier person with more serious virus to share!

Dearie, I really wish you can think more happy thoughts... not to make you feel better straight away but because happier thoughts will make you stronger and give you a more stable foundation to your life. You have to be in control rather than being bounced around by life and its happenings. POOP! happens all the time and it's matter of how to wipe it off and start again! 

PS: I've been thinking... I wish I nicked one of the blue dental gown that we used to have in dental school.. my fave size 12 V necked one. I started missing it so much I don't know why. Random aye...

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